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Why Encapsulate?

Why Encapsulate?

​During your pregnancy, your body made a placenta, an amazing organ that helped you grow and nourish your baby—and it could help you once your baby is born, too! Encapsulating your placenta makes it easy for you to try the reported benefits of an organ that was perfectly created for you and your baby.

  • Restoration of iron levels in the blood

  • Increase in milk production

  • Increased energy

  • Increased release of the hormone oxytocin, which helps the uterus return to normal size and encourages bonding with the infant

  • Increase in CRH, a stress-reducing hormone

  • Decrease in postpartum depression levels

Placenta Encapsulation Services

I offer encapsulation services as a standalone or included service. Standalone encapsulation is $200 if you are one of my doula client's it is available for $150

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