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Free Consultation 

I offer a free consultation for mom's who are looking to find a doula. The consultation is usually about an hour long. This consultation allows us to get to know each other and to see if we can work together as a team. It is important that you and your partner feel comfortable with who you have chosen to be your doula. During the consultation I will also go over in detail all the services that I offer and what that can look like for your birth experience. Feel free to prepare any questions you have in advance that you would like to ask me. 

Phone & Email Support 

If we decide to work together I will be available by phone and email throughout your pregnancy. You can feel to contact me if you have concerns, worries or questions about your pregnancy or about your upcoming birth. The last month of your pregnancy I will be available 24/7 on call.

2 Prenatal Visits and Educational Resources

As part of the comprehensive doula services I do two prenatal visits. During these visits I will provide thorough and comprehensive education to prepare for the birth. This also includes helping you with your birth plan, establishing a postpartum plan, and discussing and practicing comfort techniques that would best suit you for your birth experience. Prior to the prenatal visits I will send you additional educational resources and the list of what books are available in my lending library. 

As a Doula, I  Do Not:

Perform any clinical tasks

I do not perform any clinical tasks, such as blood pressure, fetal heart checks, vaginal exams and others. I am there only to provide physical comfort and emotional support.

During labor 

I will be actively supporting you throughout your labor. I will use relaxation techniques (i.e. counter pressure, massage, use of heat and cold, breathing, guided meditations, the birth ball etc.). I will also help guide you if desired into different position changes that can help the progress of labor. In addition to physical support I will provide emotional and informative support throughout your labor experience

Baby’s first feeding Support 

After the baby's born I will stay for an hour or so after the birth and help with initial breastfeeding. This includes checking latch and helping create a calm environment that will help give you a good start on your breastfeeding journey. I can also make appropriate referrals when necessary to local lactation consultants who will be able to provide more thorough and intensive help should breastfeeding issues or concerns arise.

Make decisions for you 

I will help you get the information necessary to make an informed decision. I will also remind you if there is a departure from your birth plan.

Speak to the staff on your behalf

I will discuss your concerns with you and suggest options, but you or your partner will speak directly to the clinical staff. 

Project any of my own beliefs onto your experience

This is your birth! It's up to you to decide what you would like for your birth experience. Epidural, no epidural, c-section or home birth. My role is to support you in those choices and work together as a team to ensure that your wishes for your experience are made possible.

Postpartum follow-up visit 

Once you are settled in at home with your new baby I will set up my postpartum follow up visit. At this visit you will have the chance to talk about your birth experience, the lows, the highs and the in-between. I believe that it is important for a mother to have an opportunity to process her birth experience in a safe and understanding environment. I will also check in to see how  everyone's adjusting and provide breastfeeding support if needed. I can also provide resources and referrals if there are any concerns that need to be met. I usually do one postpartum visit, but on a case by case basis an additional one may be provided if more support is needed.

Community Referrals

At any time throughout your pregnancy or after the delivery of your baby I will provide the appropriate referrals when necessary. A list of community resources will be provided to you upon beginning services.

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