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About Me

My name is Rebekah Stanfield. I'm married and have three beautiful children. I'm currently located in Hanford, but I'm originally from Long Island, NY. The United States Marine Corps brought me out here in 2007. After getting out in 2010 I eventually met my husband who is a walnut farmer in the area. My family and I are pretty set here in the central valley. I've enjoyed getting more involved in the birth community here and look forward to promoting positive change for mother's and their families.

My Training & Education
My Background

  My passion has always been for helping others. This passion has led me to serve several different populations. After serving in the Marine Corps for 4 years I eventually began helping sexual assault victims. I did work with a nonprofit to raise awareness and support in Kings County, and worked as a victim advocate for sexual assault victims at Fleet and Family for 3.5 years. I have my Masters of Social Work from California state University Northridge. My degree led me to interning as a medical social worker at Valley Children’s Hospital and as a therapist for Kings View Behavioral Health. After my daughter’s birth, I began the journey to becoming a doula and was trained through DONA.  Although my experiences have been diverse; the fundamental beliefs behind each one of these positions are relevant to the pregnant mother.

  My passion for birth started after hearing my mother’s stories about her births. In one of her births a wonderful nurse (who was also a midwife on the side) worked with my mom so she could have a vaginal birth. Prior to this her doctor had threatened that she would have to have a c-section. This nurse was a great of example of labor support and encouragement for the laboring women. Years after hearing this story I noticed this trend in women that I knew and loved having many interventions that just didn’t make sense to me. Almost all the women my age were having inductions or other interventions. This led me to explore and learn more about what was happening. I knew that interventions are very helpful for women who need it, but surely, they should be the exception not the rule.  This led me to the path to become a doula. I learned how a doula can be the continuous support that a woman needs in labor.  I am passionate about birth and have strong desire to empower and serve women to have the birth they desire.

  My own birth solidified this journey for me. My daughter’s birth was a beautiful water birth at home. The birth changed me it showed me how powerful I was as a woman and it was a life changing experience. I desire for other women to know that they can and should have an empowering and beautiful birth experience; whatever that looks like for them.

Doula Training:
DONA International: 2016
CD(DONA) Certified Dona Doula
StillBirthday Doula Training: 2017
Certified SBD Doula

Placenta Encapsulation Training

Placenta Encapsulation Training 

Blood Borne Pathogens Training

Food Safety Handlers Course

Basics of Lactation Management

Lactation Education Resources

Masters of Social Work

California State University Northridge: May 2016

LMSW for the State of NY

 Client Testimonial:
“This was the best childbirth my husband and I experienced. She came prepared for everything we discussed and more…an epidural didn’t cross my mind because she made my pain seem bearable.”
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